Art Competition

Find out what freedom means to you and win great prizes!

Do you think of a certain mood, a season, a song or an object? 🌅🎶
Capture your associations on the canvas, in a photo, a video or as a model.
Your creative journey could be crowned with exciting rewards:

1. Place Price: 100€
2. Place Price: 70€
3. Place Price: 50€

Plus: Everyone who registers will receive a day ticket for Therme Lindau while supplies last

Important Dates:

Start: Now!
Submission deadline: 26th April
Exhibition: 29th April
Worktogether and free material from StudentLounge : 11th, 18th, 25th April each day from 7:30 p.m at Turm der Turbulenzen

During the exibition all visitors can vote for their favorite (But don’t worry if you prefer to keep your work to yourself – you can still participate!)
